Purse Designs

A while back while I was in a creative streak, I created this purse. I kind of used a pattern, but when I got into it, the pattern seemed craft fair corny, So I cut and pasted a little of my own originality into the pattern to add an artsy touch. Crafts are funny like that, you spend hours making something only to look at it and say, what in the "h" will I do with a crocheted cottage house that dispenses tissues. I know--country with a capital K. Despite pattern deficiencies, this my first real purse, turned out O.K. and it's deceivingly large-- a weeks worth of stuff fits in here. Since I'm one of those organic kind of people (OK a nice way of saying unorganized), I can stuff everything that comes my way and not bust out the seams.

Some people say you should totally make these and sell them on Etsy, but now that would take the fun out of it. I guess I'd rather make one really cool purse and use it a lot than spend all my nights and weekends in a robotic frenzy! No fun for certain.

Maybe this winter, I'll get around to making another one.



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